To die is the ultimate possibility of being born again. The awareness of our death illuminates the profound sense that life has.

In other words, the meanings of life and death go to step equal. It is for this reason that the meaning of life acquires its deepest meaning when approaching the end of our life happening in the terminal phase. To love is a reason that applies to both to live and to die.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus makes an important teaching of this fundamental truth: “This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you.
No one has greater love than he who lays down his life for his friends” (Jo 15, 12-13). Blessed are those who can do of love the first reason to live, because death comes to them the birth which leads to the eternal life.
Blessed are those who know how to die to give life. This people can be confident they will participate fully in the resurrection of Christ.
Those who are spending their lives to serve brothers are no longer one communion with them. Their lives are shared and assumed in the Universal Fellowship of God's Family.

Happy are those who live to love because their death come to them as the birth that leads to the last birth to be born to Eternal Life. Blessed are those who know how to die to give life.

Giving life by love is the most perfect way to break the walls of human finitude and enter the coordinates of universality and impartiality.

The law of the Universal Fellowship is: Interaction and reciprocal relationship between people.
On the feast of the Kingdom of God everyone is mediation of fullness and happiness for others.
Then there is no loneliness, mourning or needs of any species.

Only the human being is aware that one day will die. This is certainly an invitation to discover deeper reasons for living. Blessed are those who find that the biggest reason for living and dying is love.

In fact, people will dance the rhythm of love with the way they have now trained in history. We have within us a spiritual being under construction, which emerges in our hearts, thanks to the power of loving relationships. Death is the last birth is the last birth to Eternal Life.

By suppressing our external being, the death makes the final release of our inner being, which is personal and therefore spiritual. In fact, death does not kill people, but destroys the exterior that surrounds it.
In resurrecting Jesus Christ became the Tree of Life whose fruit, the Holy Spirit, gives us eternal life and Paradise, closed because of Adam, was reopened by Jesus of Nazareth, says the Gospel of Luke (Lc 23, 43).
With the Resurrection of Christ, our life is illuminated in its deepest sense: In Adam, the man taken from clay came to our mortal condition. From the risen Christ, the New Adam, came to us eternal life.

In resurrecting Jesus Christ communicates to us the seed of divine life, the Holy Spirit, which brings us into the Family of God (Gal. 4, 4-7). He is the Living Water that Jesus gives us, which is the well within us and the source of eternal life.
In Communion With You
Calmeiro Matias

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