Holy Father:
Be praised for the great gift of Jesus Christ and the fullness of life that comes from him. In resurrecting Jesus came to the inner side of reality, entering in the communion of God’s intimacy.
Your home, Holy Father is a continuous spiritual field of love interactions which is the interiority maximum of the universe.
This means that you, Holy Father, like your Son and the Holy Spirit, will never come to us from outside.
Holy Father, with his resurrection, Jesus defeated death for him and for us, because he is an organic and dynamic union with all human people.
On the eve of his visit to the inner face of reality, Jesus promised that all of us would come to live with him in the house of his Father on the Feast of your kingdom.
As we share the resurrection of Christ, Jesus assured us that we have guaranteed housing in the Communion of Your Family, Holy Father.
These are the words of Jesus when he made this promise to his disciples just before leaving them:
“I will not leave you orphans, because I will come to you (...).On that day you will understand that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you (Jo 14, 18-20).

With this teaching, Jesus meant that we will take part with him in the intimacy of God in the fullness of the kingdom of heaven.

Thank you, Holy God, because there is no distance between us and the Universal Fellowship of your home that that is a spiritual field of love interactions.

The leader and facilitator of this universal communion is the Holy Spirit. This is the reason why he is always present at the door of our heart.
This is the dynamics of the New Creation reconciled with God in Christ, as Saint Paul says (2 Cor 5: 17-19).
This is the mystery of the New Man, which began with the Incarnation and reached its fulfillment in the resurrection of Christ.

In other words, through the Incarnation of the Son of God, Jesus grafted divine life in the human heart deifying us and incorporating us into God.

This is possible because Jesus Christ is an organic and interactive union with us. The Holy Spirit is the maternal love of God that brings us into the communion of the Holy Trinity.
Every time that Christians celebrate the Eucharist celebrated this mystery, especially when eating and drinking bread and wine.

Saint Paul says that when we eat the bread and drink the wine of the Eucharist we are we are strengthening our organic union with Christ: “We ate the same bread because we do one
body” (1 Cor 10, 17).

The Gospel of Saint John says that the Holy Spirit is the Flesh and Blood of the risen Jesus, which makes us partakers of his resurrection:

“He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and me in him. As the Father who sent me live and I live by the Father, so whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood shall live by me”(Jo 6, 56-57).
In eating the bread and drink the wine of Eucharist, Christians are meaning that it is in our inner self that made the union and interaction that makes us divine.

Holy Father
We thank you for the wonderful mystery of the Incarnation and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
In Communion With You
Calmeiro Matias

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