Our Faith says that God created Man in his image and likeness. We know that the Man is a reality emerging as an organic communion, interactive and fruitful.
This means that one person who rejects to create communion with his neighbor in a progressive way, becomes an outline, that is, a sculpture unfinished and not a perfect image of God.
The Book of Genesis says that the human couple, being an organic union, interactive and fruitful is the perfect image of God. These are his words:
Then God said, let us make man in our image and likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, over the livestock and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
God created man in his image. He created them as man and women. After, God bless them saying to them:
“Grow and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. I give you the power to dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky and over every living animal that moves on the earth” (Gen. 1, 26-28).
A couple with his family is indeed a special image of God. For God is a communion of three persons in one familiar communion.
The Old Testament says that human beings should not carve images of God. Our faith affirms that Man is the only being that God created in his image and likeness.
We know that Man is a reality emerging as an organic communion, interactive and fruitful.
This means that one person who rejects to create communion with his neighbor in a progressive way, becomes an outline, that is, a sculpture unfinished and not a perfect image of God.
The Book of Genesis says that the human couple, being an organic union, interactive and fruitful is the perfect image of God. These are his words:
Then God said, let us make man in our image and likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, over the livestock and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
God created man in his image. He created them as man and women. After, God bless them saying to them:
“Grow and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. I give you the power to dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky and over every living animal that moves on the earth” (Gen. 1, 26-28).
A couple with his family is indeed a special image of God. For God is a communion of three persons in one familiar communion.
The Old Testament says that human beings should not carve images of God.

In fact, only God can carve an image of God. The great sculptor of the image inside human beings is the Holy Spirit, the only who understands the reality of God in the deepest sense.
He is the breath of life which in beginning at first went from God to the interior of the clay which came out Adam (Gen. 2, 7).
Saint Paul, says that the Holy Spirit is God's love poured into our hearts (Rom 5, 5). With his maternal way of love, the Holy Spirit is leading us on the day of our life, helping us to carve faithful God’s image.
We can say that the dynamics of humanization on people is the process his configuration as image of God.
This is the law of the humanization: spiritual emergency through loving relationships and convergence to universal communion of the Family of God.
The Holy Spirit is the protagonist in this great task of building humanity as an image of God.
However he never does it without us. In other words, the Holy Spirit is with us, but never in our place.
If we are opposed to love, this means that we are blocking the dynamics of our humanization and to block the work of the Holy Spirit in us.
The human beings are under construction. This means that image of God is a reality that emerges in a gradual and progressive process. When we told to others our personal story, we are drawing to them a draft of this image of God we are.
To be able to build up an image of God is a privilege and a gift from God. This is the condition to happen the mystery of the Incarnation, the graft of the divine in man.
In fact, it was the incarnation that made possible the deification of man through the incorporation of human persons in the Family of God.
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