The faith, hope and charity are the three pillars upon which the three pillars on which rest the Christian life.
This means that hope has a central role in Christian Life, because we are sure to get something good that will be the foundation of a perfect and definitive happiness.
In other words hope anticipates and updates the certainty that we will possess the gifts that God has promised the gifts that God has promised for our future.
In reality it is through the door of hope that we can enter to enjoy the future that God has prepared for us, that is, the gifts that God has granted us to possess the fullness of eternal life.
Thanks to the anticipatory power of hope, Christians enjoying in the celebrations what they will be with God on the feast of salvation.
At the same time, the Holy Spirit does in a progressive manner what was promised and guaranteed by the hope.
In fact, the Word of God reveals to us what we will be with Christ and the Holy Spirit accomplishes in our hearts what the Word tells in our mind.
The Word of God enables us to look at things and people with the criteria of God. Our hope is based on the certainty of happiness that God has reserved for us in the fullness of the eternal life.
Based on the hope we await the gifts of God, knowing that he is true and faithful and therefore he will accomplish what he has promising through his word.
The Christian hope is a gift of the Holy Spirit, who enlightens us and awakens in us the desire of the fullness that God has promised us.
The gifts that God promises us not refer only to worldly goods, but also to the spiritual and invisible goods.
This means that our hope goes far beyond earthly things. Christian Hope opens the eyes of believers to see not only the goods of the earth, but eternal life with Risen Christ.
Faith, Hope and Charity grow in our heart at the same pace. It helps us to fulfill the will of God, knowing that this coincides exactly with what is best for us.
Thanks to Hope, the sufferings and death appear to Christian people as events with meaning.
Here is a beautiful teaching of Saint Paul of Saint Paul: “I am sure that the sufferings of this present time are nothing compared to the joy and happiness that will arise from God” (Rm 8, 18).
Here is a beautiful teaching of Saint Paul of Saint Paul: “I am sure that the sufferings of this present time are nothing compared to the joy and happiness that will arise from God” (Rm 8, 18).
Thanks to our hope we can celebrate and enjoy just now, what we will be in the future with Jesus Christ.
Rooted in the Word of God, hope assures us that human history is part of a plan of love. These are the words of the prophet Jeremiah with regard to this point:
“I know well the plans I made for you, says the Lord. I planned growth and success for you, and no plans to fail. My plan is it brings you a happy future.
In other words my plan is it brings to you happiness in the future. This is true. Therefore, you can trust me, says the Lord. When I shall give you all that I promise you, you will call for me, make me behold your prayer and I will listen to you (Jer 29, 11-12).
We can say that Christian Hope is a certainty that rests in God's faithfulness. If we trust God we can feel reassured because he can do wonders for us when we trust him.
This is what the Holy Spirit told to Saint Paul when he felt overwhelmed by their fragility: “Just up the force of my grace, for my liberating power is perfect when it comes to helping human weakness” (2 Cor 12: 9).
During the Last Supper, Jesus strengthens the confidence of the Apostles telling them these words: Now you are discouraged.
But see, I will come again and you will cheer because no one can steal your joy (Jo 16, 22). The Letter to the Colossians gives us a wise standard to strengthen our hope:
“Put your minds on things above, not on earthly things (Col 3, 2). The more our hearts have let the Word of God, the more the Holy Spirit transforms it into harmony with the heart of Christ.
Referring to the Scripture, Saint Paul says that everything written in Scriptures was intended to support and strengthen our hope (Rom 15, 4).
Calmeiro Matias
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